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Special Projects


Whether your passion lies in supporting student scholarships, learning labs and equipment, campus infrastructure enhancements, or community outreach initiatives, there's a valuable project waiting to align with your philanthropic vision.

每个项目都代表了一个独特的途径,使我们的学生的生活发生切实的变化, 教师, and campus community.

探索我们的一系列举措,加入我们,通过您的有意义的贡献来塑造更美好的未来. 在一起, 我们可以点燃变革之火,为子孙后代开启无限可能.

Elijah’s Mantle


Founded in 2017, 以利亚的披风是一个机会,让学生与行业专业人士联系,并获得指导和指导,这将提高他们未来的职业生涯. 该项目通常包括来自不同专业领域的商业专业人士, in many cases, are OBU alumni.

This valuable partnership further enhances OBU relationships between students, alumni and the business community at large.

Elijah’s Mantle


莉迪亚之灯为商学院的女学生提供了一个独特的机会,通过联系来提升她们未来的职业生涯, mentorship and knowledge.

Founded in 2017, 该项目将学生与女性商业导师联系起来,这些导师将帮助他们度过在OBU的时光,并增强他们的信心. 该项目可以帮助学生建立超越OBU时间的持久关系,并进一步为就业做好准备.

莉迪亚的灯 is a valuable partnership between students, the business community, and often OBU alumni in the field of business.


Julie Blackstone Memorial Scholarship

Julie Marks Blackstone was a beloved professor of art at OBU. Her creativity, 艺术, and care for students made her a special friend, 教师 mentor and colleague to many. In the classroom and labs, and all across the 地区 and state, she created vibrant and beautiful works which inspired others.

为了纪念布莱克斯通,人们设立了一项奖学金,以表彰她对学生们的生活和对艺术的热爱所产生的巨大影响. 这笔捐款将使OBU得以延续她的遗产,并通过年度奖励惠及一位应得的艺术学生.

Renew Raley Chapel

OBU正处于百年一遇的更新时代,我们共同努力更新雷利教堂. The overwhelming and extensive damage to Raley Chapel from the April 19, 2023 tornado included its spire, 瓦屋顶, 石雕, 天花板, stained glass and seating inside Potter Auditorium. Yet with vision and hope, 我们将以比以往任何时候都更大的毅力和信念重建这座心爱的建筑. 我们邀请您加入我们的努力,更新山谷和继续它的遗产,改变生活和心灵的野牛山.

Renew Raley Chapel

Honors Program Scholarship

OBU的荣誉课程邀请学生阅读塑造了西方世界的伟大书籍,并思考人类生活中永恒的重大问题. 你的礼物帮助我们继续影响下一代未来的塑造者,通过提供一个彻底和严格的古典基督教文科教育接地最好的思想和说,并致力于追求真理, 善, 和美丽.

Honors Program Scholarship

Prison Divinity Program

Oklahoma Baptist University, 俄克拉何马浸信会和俄克拉何马惩教部门是俄克拉何马州历史性努力的合作伙伴. OBU正在为俄克拉何马州监狱的囚犯提供基督教研究的文学学士学位. Upon completion of their degrees, these men will be sent as Field Ministers to other prisons across the state. 这种装备和派遣囚犯去服侍狱友的方式,对那些被监禁的人来说,是一个独特的教育机会.

Prison Divinity Program

Friends of the Arts

艺术之友计划是一个年度捐款计划,支持沃伦M. Angell School of Visual and Performing Arts by providing scholarships, vital equipment, program funding, and other essential resources, fostering artistic excellence. Memberships are for one academic year.

Friends of the Arts

访问ing Writer Seminars

语言文学系每年举办访问作家研讨会. 这项丰富的活动将有成就的当代客座作家带到校园,为学生和校园社区参与和提升写作体验. 通过接触不同的作家,它拓宽了学生的学习、创造力和技能. 我们非常感谢您的支持,继续为我们的学生提供丰富的机会.

访问ing Writer Seminars

Inter国家al Student Support

OBU extends a heart and hand of hospitality to our students from other 国家s. This is accomplished by activities that can make their transition to college easier. 我们为来到校园的学生提供欢迎篮,并提供与他人交流的机会. 作为Bison的东道主参加是一个进一步的机会,建立关系,并为我们的国际学生创造一种家的感觉. Learn more here.

Inter国家al Student Support

牧师. Angel and Nila Murillo Scholarship

The purpose of the 牧师. Angel and Nila Murillo endowment fund is to benefit OBU by providing financial support for students who are active member of the Latin American Student Organization (LASO); show passion and commitment to shine Christ’s love in their future profession; and demonstrate a high interest in shaping the world 国家ally and inter国家ally for His glory.

牧师. Angel and Nila Murillo Scholarship

W.P. Wood Science Building

在伍德科学大楼的墙壁内提供的世界级STEM教育以发展世界变化的专业人士而闻名. 该设施, completed in the 1980’s, 是否非常需要全面翻新,以最大限度地为现在和将来的学生提供最好的教育. 你支持这个项目的礼物将支持我们未来的医疗保健专业人员和科学家在国家的转变, 地区, 国家, and around the globe.

佩吉·D. Keck Finance and 业务 Analytics Lab

的博士. 佩吉·D. 凯克金融和数据分析实验室是一个最先进的空间,具有灵活的, innovative and collaborative learning environment. 一个49英尺长的水平报价提供不断变化的数据和信息,将吸引你,并提供一个高度专业和互动的氛围.


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